
Carolina López- Stress hyper-reactivity increases vulnerability to developing binge-type eating and associated anxiety-like behavior; comparison between Wistar-Kyoto and Sprague-Dawley rats


04 de abril del 2024

Invitamos a leer el artículo: " Stress hyper-reactivity increases vulnerability to developing binge-type eating and associated anxiety-like behavior; comparison between Wistar-Kyoto and Sprague-Dawley rats", realizado por la Dra. Carolina López-Rubalcava, Investigadora de Cinvestav Sede Sur

Autores: Daniela Sarai Rodríguez-Rangel, Erika Estrada-Camarena y Carolina López-Rubalcava.

Abstract: Binge eating disorder (BED) is a widespread eating disorder that primarily affects women worldwide, and it is characterized by the presence of binge eating episodes and the absence of any compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain. BED presents elevated comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety, and it has been suggested that stress sensibility could be a vulnerability factor for the development of BED and the associated anxiety comorbidity. In this study, we aim to investigate whether the Wistar-Kyoto rat strain (WKY), which has a stress hyper-reactive phenotype, could develop both binge-type eating and anxiety-like behaviors simultaneously. We also aim to compare its vulnerability to developing both behaviors with the Sprague Dawley rat strain (SD), a rat strain commonly used in binge-eating models.

Keywords:binge eating, anxiety, Wistar Kyoto rats, stress hyper-reactivity, corticosterone.


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24/02/2025 11:40:06 a. m.