
The nucleus accumbens dopamine increase, typically triggered by sexual stimuli in male rats, is no longer produced when animals are sexually inhibited due to sexual satiety.

Ana Canseco‑Alba · Ulises Cofeen · Orlando Jaimes · Francisco Pellicer · Gabriela Rodríguez‑Manzo.


3 de octubre del 2022

Invitamos a leer el artículo: "The nucleus accumbens dopamine increase, typically triggered by sexual stimuli in male rats, is no longer produced when animals are sexually inhibited due to sexual satiety", en la que participó la Dra. Gabriela Rodríguez Manzo, Investigadora de Cinvestav Sede Sur

Autores: Ana Canseco Alba, Ulises Coffeen, Orlando Jaimes, Francisco Pellicer y Gabriela Rodríguez Manzo

Abstract: Exposure of male rats to an inaccessible receptive female and copulation increases dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). Males copulating to satiety become sexually inhibited and most of them do not display sexual activity when presented with a sexually receptive female 24 h later. This inhibitory state can be pharmacologically reversed. There are no studies exploring NAcc DA levels during this sexual inhibitory state.

Keywords:  Nucleus accumbens, Dopamine extracellular, concentrations, Microdialysis, Natural reward, Male sexual behavior, Sexual satiety, Sexual inhibition, Sexual motivation, Anandamide, Mesolimbic system


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