

Review on the developments in copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGSe)-based thin film photovoltaic devices.

Adhikari, A., Acosta-Najarro, D.R., Fragoso-Medina, A.J. et al.


The CIGSe-based thin film solar cells (TFSCs) are one of the most promising candidates in the photovoltaic market for harnessing solar energy into electrical energy due to their potential to achieve high efficiency-to-cost value. This review paper initially introduces the various types of photovoltaic technologies, which are classified depending on the types of materials used in photovoltaic devices. The complete information about the existing structure of CIGSe TFSCs is also described. The role of various materials used in CIGSe-based TFSCs, such as types and nature of substrates, back contacts, CIGSe-based absorber materials, window layers, and front contacts on the variation of the device’s performance is briefly explained. Moreover, this review paper defines the solar cell band structure and the recombination mechanisms found in the CIGSe solar cells. The effect of the alkali element doping in CIGSe absorber materials and the most used synthesis techniques for CIGSe-based thin films are effectively highlighted in this paper. This research work primarily focused on the current advancements found in the CIGSe-based TFSCs. The summary of research work, challenges, and future prospects of CIGSe-based TFSCs are also discussed. This information can be helpful in promoting the CIGSe TFSC from the laboratory to a commercial scale in the near future.


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05/03/2025 12:39:50 p. m.